Vibgyor Fondant

About Vibgyor Fondant?

If you’ve been searching for a new way to decorate your cakes, we can help. We offer Vibgyor fondant, an easy-to-use fondant that looks and feels like icing. The icing can be used to decorate cakes in many different ways and it’s perfect for making cupcakes, cookies, and other treats. Vibgyor Fondants are made from food-grade ingredients and are gluten-free. They are available in various colours to suit any taste or occasion. They are easy to work with, so you can make beautiful custom designs on your cake that will last for years! They also hold up well under heat so they won’t melt or dry out during baking. The best part about using Vibgyor Fondant instead of ordinary icing? It was less expensive! You’ll save money by not having to buy tons of decorations at once and you won’t have to worry about whether or not the icing will stay on your cake after it’s been baked.

How to Pipe Pretty Patterns with Vibgor Fondant

Piping with fondant is a great way to add some extra detail and interest to your cake. It’s also a nice way to add some colour and texture. You can use it in any design you want, but today we are going to learn how to pipe a wavy pattern that looks like waves on the ocean. If you want this pattern on top of your cake, start by rolling out some white fondant and cutting out long strips about 1/2 inch wide. You want them long enough so that when they are laid end-to-end they will cover the width of the cake. The height of strip should be about 1/4 inch tall so that when you lay them end-to-end they will form a wave pattern on top of your cake.

Shop your favourite Vibgyor Fondant from EFA 

Vibgyor Fondant is a premium quality fondant made from the finest ingredients. It is gluten-free and does not contain any artificial colours or flavours. We know what it takes to make a perfect delicacy, so E.F. Akberally provides only the best and 100% original Vibgyor Fondants to its customers.

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